Career counseling is a process that helps us to know and understand ourselves and the world of work in order to make career, educational, and life decisions. There are many theories underlaying in career counseling for example psychodynamic, behavioristic, cognitive and sociological. One of the most prevalent theory is
Mr. Vance Peavys Sociodynamic and Constructivist theory. Main points of this theory are:
- There is no single view of reality - rather there are multiple realities.
- Humans are "self-organizing"entities.
- Each person's life is a story or a set of stories - narratives that are under continuous revision.
- Individuals construct their own selves through the interpretation they make and the actions they take.
- A self is polyphonic, it has several voices. For important voices are
- health and well-being
- intimacy
- work-life and learning
- spirituality
- People are always in a context.
- People are meaning-makers. They Use language and actions to make out daily activities.
- To exist as an empowered person requires reflection.
Worksheets and/or exercises related to Sociodynamic and Constructive theory:
- Chapters of my life makes a book
- The magic wand
- Examining my balloon
- My previous success
- Deconsturction and meaningful questions
- Mapping direction of my life
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