
Ms. Day Nou is working as a hairdresser and entrepreneur. 

Life and Career Dreams

The objective at this stage of the career counseling cycle is to encourage students to express their wishes and dreams for future - both for life and career. Dreams can be small, and no dream is ever too big. Also, the objective is to activate students to think about their dream jobs more deeply: What aspects in working life and career are important to them, what helps them to achieve their dream job, and what do their need to learn to achieve their goals?

Worksheets and/or exercises:

  1.  Mind map (see also 1. Knowing Yourself)
  2. Job images: associating jobs with tasks, images, feelings, thoughts, notions, preconceptions, etc. (a warm-up exercise)
  3. My dream job: What’s it like? + Group discussion
  4. Dream Contract (see also 5. Education and Career Choice)

PSE vocational school, Hairdressers' material for learning

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